DORIAN_top ceramica DORIAN_top ceramica DORIAN_top ceramica

DORIAN_top ceramica

Design Archirivolto

Dorian with ceramic top is the designer table that presents itself as a true work of art in the surrounding environment: with its unique design and sinuous lines it will become the focal point of the living area. With a unique and distinctive style, this modern table is defined by the Archirivolto design with a painted metal base and 16 mm thick ceramic top. The 10 mm thick tempered glass is coupled with 6 mm thick ceramic. The choice of a precious ceramic shelf is a winning one since it is a durable, resistant material, easily cleanable from stains and with a wide range of aesthetic possibilities. Simple, design lines that find a winning combination with the Cos chair covered in leather. The Dorian design table with ceramic top is also available with marble, crystal and wood tops.

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