TEO_top ceramica

TEO_top ceramica

Design Nello Palomba

Teo with ceramic top is the design table protagonist of the rooms.
A work of art that will come to life in your home: this piece of furniture will make your dining room or living area special.

Designed by designer Nello Palomba, Teo presents itself as a sculptural and important design element.

This piece of furniture combines the formal simplicity of the veneered wood base enriched by a black chromed profile with the refinement of the ceramic top.

The Teo design table is available round and shaped and also with a glass, wood and marble top.

The version with the king ceramic top is elegant and refined and is characterized by a fine rounded lacquered profile that completely embraces the top.

Disponible en los siguientes tamaños:

TEO_top ceramica


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Salone di Milano